Fill out our online form or call 952-303-4594 to discuss your business' specific needs.

Providing Strategy for Your Future

Woodland Strategies offers practical solutions for both non-profits and for profit organizations while unlocking potential within business entities, team members, and brands. We collaborate with our clients to innovate, and to create a bridge between their business and the marketplace to increase the value of customer experiences and loyalty, and to drive business growth.

Contact us to learn how Woodland Strategies can help grow your business.

Strategic Planning

Woodland Strategies collaborates with you to create clear, outcome-based strategies.

Woodland Strategies can assist you as you analyze demand and find new market space for your service or product. Whether you are a new start up, planning a campaign, in transition, or leading in a turbulent time, we work with you to promote a deeper understanding of organizational values, vision and mission to support your overall business plan. Our expertise includes strategic initiatives for both for-profit and non-profits, as well as;

– Position Statements
– Organizational Goals
– SWOT Analyses
– Business Strategy

Marketing Strategy

Woodland Strategies assists organizations as they communicate their story and engage their audiences.

Woodland Strategies can help you assess insights and use creative thinking to develop an integrated marketing plan to support your organizational strategy. Our expertise includes;

– Brand Management
– Content Marketing
– Customer Experience
Ethics in Marketing and the Marketplace

Nonprofit Fundraising & Development

Woodland Strategies can provide your nonprofit with high-level strategy from start to finish.

We have over ten years of fundraising experience within the nonprofit industry. We utilize best practices and the latest trends for all of our non-profit constituents. We provide tailored solutions to each individual client that we serve.

Fundraising and development goes beyond any dollar amount. Organizations can advance their mission and vision using a finely tailored strategic lens. This must be a strategic priority for each and every nonprofit organization to support annual revenue streams and as a source for ongoing capital and endowment assets.

– Board Development, Governance and Team Building
– Case Statements
– Critical Success Factors
– Data Driven Approach
– Fundraising Plans and Campaigns
– Market Segmentation – Individual, Major Gifts, Corporations and Foundations
– Stages of Giving

Executive Leadership Coaching & Development

Woodland Strategies uses best practices in current environments to assist individuals as they optimize their capacity for leadership.

Woodland Strategies helps clients increase perspective, establish goals, prioritize responsibilities, and move forward toward success by supporting clients with;

– Crisis Leadership
– Decision Making
– Establishing and Supporting Mentorship Programs
– Leading Sales Teams
– Mindful Leadership
– Navigating Change
– Presentations and Public Speaking
– Productivity
– Team Building

Invest in Your Strategy

We provide comprehensive fundraising, development, marketing and strategic planning services. Our goal is to connect organizations with their customers, helping them to improve their overall customer experience and loyalty.

Our Commitment to Excellence

We strive for improved outcomes through collaboration and decision making, and work to integrate subsequent change while partnering with other workgroups.

Flexible Pricing

We offer flexible pricing based on your specific needs and business.

Contact us today to see which pricing model fits your needs.

Fixed Price

A fixed pricing model is great for well-defined projects with a specific beginning and ending. Contact us today for a fixed price quote on your project.


If your business needs are less predictable, but you need help for a specific number of hours each month, we can provide one-on-one service for a regular hourly fixed price.


If you have a short-term project with indefinite time requirements, then you may want to stick with our hourly rate. Contact us to determine if this is your best option.

Learn how Woodland Strategies can help you grow your business.

  • You delivered a calm and organized approach to setting the agenda.

  • Great! 5/5 Stars

  • Thanks to you and your team for facilitating a much needed and very effective session!

  • Martha did a great job facilitating and getting to know the group.

  • Woodland Strategies was a perfect fit for our organization. Martha and Mary were very easy to work with and adapted their process to our organization. Well done!

  • Very well done – good process and lots of hard work by all!

  • Woodland Strategies did a wonderful job for us. I appreciated that Martha was willing to spend extra time with us to get it right and be able to wrap it up. Martha is a gifted and thoughtful facilitator. We are fortunate to have connected with her and look forward to future projects with her.

  • Looking forward to follow-up and hope to consult with Martha for future projects.

  • Thank you. This was very helpful to organize our thoughts and planning process. We took away some great tips and ideas from your process.

  • I appreciated the additional information to help us discuss! Thank you for your calming presence and guidance.