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News, Updates, & Resources

Stewarding Your Stakeholder!

Stewarding Your Stakeholder!

Imagine our surprise when we received a note from the Rochester Chamber of Commerce stating that Woodland Strategies would be welcomed through a promotion on a digital billboard in Rochester, MN on 41st Street right off of Highway 52!

Support Small Business!

Support Small Business!

Don’t Forget! Small Business Saturday is this weekend, the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This was initially founded by American Express in 2010 and is a day dedicated to supporting small businesses and their communities across the country. Small businesses play a central and vital role in the US economy.

Embracing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Embracing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Woodland Strategies embraces and celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion. We are very committed to making our services accessible for organizations and their members. This includes financial accessibility. As an organization, we will continue to become more inclusive, equitable, diverse, and accessible as we collaborate for change with our community.