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News, Updates, & Resources

Your Personal Values Statement

Your Personal Values Statement

Woodland Strategies specializes in helping organizations develop Values, Mission and Vision Statements. Generally, creating internal and external messaging such as this can take many months, and is often done as a team. It’s worth the time commitment. Statements such as these provide excellent operational guidelines for all stakeholders, both internal and external. This experience also provides an outstanding opportunity to establish stronger teams within any for-profit or non-profit entity.

Sales: Optimize Positive Outcomes for your Customers!

Sales: Optimize Positive Outcomes for your Customers!

Everyone has experienced significant changes in the business landscape within the past year during this pandemic. Consider sales. These changes have impacted every sales department and every customer in some way. Forecasting sales during a pandemic may not likely yield reliable and valid results (McLeod, & Lotardo, 2020).

Why Hire a Consultant?

Why Hire a Consultant?

Consultants have specialized knowledge and skills, and can help you come up with new ideas for growth, implement change from within your organization, and provide training and coaching.

Strategic planning and marketing consultants can help you in a variety of ways.

The Strategic Plan: Why Your Organization Should Have Values, Vision and Mission Statements

The Strategic Plan: Why Your Organization Should Have Values, Vision and Mission Statements

The strategic planning process provides opportunities to examine specific problems, generate a renewed commitment to marketing and communication, and to present the ideal opportunity to promote teamwork amongst members of the entire group. Strategic planning, whether it is short, mid or long-term, assists organization for the long run, as they monitor progress and measurement to achieve goals. This process provides the ability to remain flexible, and to change course, if necessary (Barry, 2012).

Coaches and Mentors:  Resources to Improve Your Outcomes

Coaches and Mentors: Resources to Improve Your Outcomes

What is the difference between a coach and a mentor in the workplace? Both play very important roles in helping organizations and their members achieve their short term and long-term goals. These roles may overlap at times, or they may even exist in a hybrid form, but they are not the same thing Whether you implement one or both, these relationships can be a great win/win for everyone involved.