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Conduct an SEO Site Audit for the New Year

"Impactful SEO is rarely executed by a lone wolf."
Jes Scholz

Your marketing budget should be approximately 5 to 10% of your revenue, depending on various factors (Minieri, 2022). How effectively are you using your resources?

A recent article in the National Law Review by Hennessey (2024) considers the importance of search engine optimization within marketing strategy, even with the advent of artificial intelligence. Indeed.

Hennessey (2024) addresses seo and marketing strategy for content creation and client acquisition for law firms especially, but not entirely, as every small business and, yes, nonprofits should be proactively addressing search engine optimization.

Using artificial intelligence for marketing efforts can be an excellent strategy within certain parameters and when applying certain oversights. AI may help you get started but should not be the only source for your efforts. However, there is nothing like the human voice. Attending to search engine optimization within your digital strategy provides you with a cost-effective and organic methodology of boosting exposure, and providing a competitive advantage. SEO within digital strategy creates opportunities for the smaller organizations to compete with those larger organizations that generally have much more expansive marketing budgets.

If you are undertaking an SEO site audit for the New Year, here are a few things to ask yourself and to keep in mind as you enhance your digital strategy to complement and strengthen your complete and marketing plan for the most comprehensive reach.

Technical Analyses, Indexing and Accessibility

  1. Is your site indexed in Google?
  2. Are all of the pages accessible and crawlable? Are they linked?
  3. Is there duplicate content? Do you have correct use of 301 redirects?
  4. How many clicks does it take users to get to your important pages?
  5. Is your site mobile friendly?
  6. What fonts are you using? Is it readable and pleasing to the eye?
  7. How fast is website load speed?
  8. Does your site use https?

On-Page Analysis and Content

  1. Does your content stay on a niche topic?
  2. Assess your keyword research and keyword variation. What is your keyword density? Is it appropriate for your platform?
  3. How often do articles use the same keywords? Be careful not to overload on a select few.
  4. Have you conducted a grammar audit lately? Do you have a good desk reference to avoid common errors?
  5. How interesting and compelling is your content? Is anyone reading your information out there?
  6. Are your images optimized with a title and tag keywords?
  7. Videos are almost irresistible in digital marketing. Photos can always enhance. Do you have a mix of the two?
  8. Are your blog posts over 500 words? (McKenzie, 2024)

This is not a complete list by any means, but should provide you with enough information and ideas to collaborate with your team for optimal digital strategy within your entire marketing mix.

Woodland Strategies, a professional consulting firm with offices in Sarasota, FL, Minneapolis, MN and Phoenix, AZ, has extensive experience in combining the digital marketing platforms with the complete marketing plan. We collaborate to provide our small business and nonprofit clients cost savings and organic reach to boost exposure in any given market. Contact us today to learn more.

Hennessey, J. Is SEO dead? Why AI isn’t the end of law firm marketing. The National Law Review. Retrieved online December 22, 2024. September 2, 2024. McKenzie, L. The 18-step SEO audit checklist. Backlink. Retrieved online December 22, 2024. December 19, 2024. Minieri, T. How much should you spend on marketing? Forbes. Retrieved online December 22, 2024. April 13, 2022.

This article or any other promotional material(s) from Woodland Strategies, Inc. is in no way intended to be a comprehensive plan.

Please note all markets, circumstances, and results vary. Any strategic plan or marketing initiatives must follow all State and Federal laws and regulations, accordingly.

Please contact us directly for a complete assessment and plan for your individual organizational needs.

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