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Stewarding Your Stakeholder!

"Transparency, honesty, kindness, good stewardship, even humor, work in businesses at all times."
John Gerzema

I believe in the purpose of our Chambers of Commerce out there. While my company has enjoyed serving national and international clientele, we remember where we came from.

This fall, Woodland Strategies joined the Rochester Chamber of Commerce in MN.

Imagine our surprise when we received a note from their leadership stating that Woodland Strategies would be welcomed to the Rochester Chamber of Commerce through a promotion on a digital billboard in Rochester, MN on 41st Street right off of Highway 52!

Here is their mission statement from their Home Page,

“The Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization representing area businesses. We provide networking, marketing, advocacy and professional development opportunities to our membership, and represent the business community on economic and governmental issues.

Our mission is to promote business success which supports a thriving community.” (, 2024)

I’ll say.

In any business, stewarding your stakeholders means to manage and care for the interests of all entities within the organization. This includes clients, staff, vendors, stockholders or investors, and to some extent, the community at large. This approach places an important focus on each entity’s well being and considers how decision making will affect each. Ultimately this is a way of protecting each party’s interests.

This kind of active engagement and focus will help any organization create long term systemic success for a company. It also promotes ethical practices by providing transparency and a responsible use of resources.

Stewardship is a successful strategy when well-managed because it utilizes an organization’s core values to guide internal systems and structures to promote this kind of guardianship within the organization. To be effective an organization must be true to its mission and values to be truly purpose-driven.

So many thanks to Sophia van Oss with the Chamber, Reagan Outdoor Advertising and the Rochester Chamber of Commerce!

What a great example of stewarding your stakeholder.
Photo Credit: Gary J. Kraemer!

Peshawaria, R. Stewardship: The Core Compass of Enduring Organizations. Forbes. February 1, 2021.

This article or any other promotional material(s) from Woodland Strategies, Inc. is in no way intended to be a comprehensive plan.

Please note all markets, circumstances, and results vary. Any strategic plan or marketing initiatives must follow all State and Federal laws and regulations, accordingly.

Please contact us directly for a complete assessment and plan for your individual organizational needs.

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