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Strategic Planning for your Trade and Non-Profit Professional Association

"Do more of what works and less of what doesn't."
Steve Clark

Just like any nonprofit or for-profit organization, nonprofit trade and professional associations should regularly undertake a strategic planning process to achieve long term goals and fulfill their mission for their various stakeholders.

This is an essential way for these organizations to improve member satisfaction, increase staff morale, increase financial sustainability and strengthen the brand itself (Board Source, 2024).

A regular strategic plan is a very important component of stewarding the stakeholders.

However, a strategic planning process doesn’t stop with a bound copy of your document. Rather, any strategic plan should be a living document, not a publication collecting dust on a shelf. This plan should be communicated with organizational stakeholders, it should drive operational planning, and evaluation efforts should be ongoing. These should be audited at least once a year at the Annual Meeting, more so if the organization is going through significant change (Kenny, 2018).

These steps are just as important as the all of the preparation and planning in the beginning so that your leadership can maximize its significant investment of time, money and other resources (Damico, 2018).

Woodland Strategies empowers organizations to be strategically agile. We utilize current research and leading-practice models to approach strategic planning and execution. This includes environmental scanning, establishing strategic goals and priorities, developing implementation strategies and change initiatives, performance measurement and evaluation, and communicating strategy and performance to diverse categories of stakeholders. These initiatives are framed within the context of competitive and ethical challenges. Kick off the New Year with a new vision! Get started today!

Contact Woodland Strategies, a professional consulting firm in Minneapolis to assist you in the New Year with a new strategic plan for your trade or professional association!

Board Source. Six Characteristics of Effective Boards. Retrieved online January 2, 2024. 2024. Damico, A. Going for the Goal: Putting a Strategic Plan into Practice. Retrieved online January 2, 2024. the-goal-putting-a-strategic-plan-into-practice March 6, 2018. Kenny, G. Six Steps to Make Your Strategic Plan Really Strategic Retrieved online January 2, 2024. August 7, 2018.

This article or any other promotional material(s) from Woodland Strategies, Inc. is in no way intended to be a comprehensive plan.

Please note all markets, circumstances, and results vary. Any strategic plan or marketing initiatives must follow all State and Federal laws and regulations, accordingly.

Please contact us directly for a complete assessment and plan for your individual organizational needs.

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