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Why Hire a Consultant?

"Nothing great is created suddenly."

Consultants have specialized knowledge and skills, and can help you come up with new ideas for growth, implement change from within your organization, and provide training and coaching.

Strategic planning and marketing consultants can help you in a variety of ways. For example;

Strategic planning consultants can help you

  • Grow your position in the marketplace,
  • Increase your products or services, and
  • Evaluate your resources, and ongoing cost savings strategies.

Marketing consultants can

  • Create marketing plans,
  • Write position statements,
  • Refine or re-do branding,
  • Launch media campaigns, and
  • Assess internal and external messaging.

Professional consultants can support your organization in a number of ways as you innovate for the future. This will help you as you assess new opportunities for ongoing engagement with your stakeholders.

Facilitation and Communication

Consultants should be skilled at group facilitation. Excellent communication skills are a must in order to best support your organization as you work together to achieve both short terms and long-term goals.

Your Investment

Think about how much time and money are you’re willing to dedicate to your initiative. Consider your own readiness to implement change. Begin to think through specifics and the depth of your project before you get started. What is your vision?

Pricing can vary based on the size of the project, and the type and size of the consulting firm. Quality takes time. Establish measurable milestones. Work should extend beyond initial proposals to allow for implementation of the strategy or plan, ongoing follow up, and an assessment of results.

As you begin to work with your consultant, remember that consultants need to have honest, ongoing feedback from you. Manage your investment by paying attention to your time and your engagement with the consultant.


Hire someone based on their qualifications and skills. Professional associations and networks may be useful in helping you find the right consultant for your project.

Inquire about a contract. This will provide you with clarity (in writing) about the project, and protect interests. Contractual agreements may include, but not be limited to: compensation, confidentiality, conflict of interest, reimbursement of expenses, and work product ownership.

Connect with the consultant. Different consultants have different styles. Establish a good rapport so that you can have a positive relationship for the long-term.

This article or any other promotional material(s) from Woodland Strategies, Inc. is in no way intended to be a comprehensive plan.

Please note all markets, circumstances, and results vary. Any strategic plan or marketing initiatives must follow all State and Federal laws and regulations, accordingly.

Please contact us directly for a complete assessment and plan for your individual organizational needs.

What is your Organization’s Value Proposition?

Your organization’s Value Proposition is your declaration that communicates the value of your product or service and why clients should buy or even care about this.

Navigating Change – How does Your Team Respond to Conflict?

At Woodland Strategies, we do facilitate the necessary space for our customers to navigate conflict in a productive space so that they can achieve results and move forward for their desired success.

Glossary of Strategic Planning Terms

The following list includes some – but not all – of the most common terms used in strategic planning. Many planners might have a different interpretation of a particular term, especially if they primarily use one model of strategic planning. The most important requirement around the use of strategic terms and concepts is that the facilitator and strategic planning leadership team share common interpretations from planning to conducting to implementation of the strategic planning process.

Establish a Risk Management Framework as You Advance Your Mission

Project risks, strategic risks, operational risks…All organizations face risk – no matter the sector or the size. Well-managed organizations should have a complete risk management framework established to identify and manage this inherent facet of doing business in today’s ambitious environment.